Saturday, 26 July 2014


We only stayed at Mt Isa for a day. We would've liked to have done a Mine tour but the girls had to be 7years and older to go underground. They had lots of fun at the Family Fun park with their new friends Jade and Josh. We had met them the night before in the playground in the CP and their lovely Mum, Linda. I found out after chatting with Linda at the park the next morning that we both had our 22nd birthdays in Pokhara, Nepal. We could have talked for hours but we had to drive the 400km to Winton that day so we had better "hit the frog n toad"! Ruby and Olive had managed at the Park to get their photo taken by the local newspaper, North West Star. Rubes and Olive I think were wearing at the time their most unclean clothes as it was a travelling day- I think the paper did some editing in the photo!!!

We drove through McKinlay and you would blink and miss it, if it wasn't for this famous pub! I read in the local paper that the Pub has a new chef and they do some great meals. It didn't look very pumping when we drove by.
As soon as you hit Qld, you notice that the dreadful drought and open landscape. It seemed like all the watercourses had dried up as they had not had significant rain for 2 years.
We arrived in Winton and were pleasantly surprised. It had kerb and gutters (even the simple things are now really appealing), wide streets and shop awnings and a friendly atmosphere. When we arrived at our Matilda Country CP the girls were in love. They had a mini zoo with Alpacas, chickens, goats,Shetland pony, sheep and a calf called Costa. It was better than a jumping pillow or any playground for them. Every night in Banjo's Barn they provide breakfast and dinner. Dinner is a 3 course meal for $20 and at 7pm the Bush comedy duo "Mel and Susie" begin their repertoire of comedy, yarns and bush poetry. It is a truly great night and all for a gold coin donation. Mel and Susie will be performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I hope they get the same response in Scotland as they did here.

Rubes was not shy and became part of their act.
Winton is famous for being a part of Qld Dinosaur Trail with Hughenden and Richmond. We had to drive out to Lark Quarry Conservation Park (another 100km) out of town. The road, mostly dirt was fairly smooth but a long way for a 30min viewing and talk about the Dinosaur Stampede. We were able to see the footprints of the giant Theropod and other smaller dinosaurs but I don't think the girls were too interested and they were a bit tired from last night. They did sleep the whole way back to town.

The road into Lark Quarry was relatively flat but as soon as you see the sign for Lark Quarry, the landscape just changed dramatically. 
Back into Winton and even the street bins are dinosaur feet. It's a dinosaur crazy town!
Little did we know that the Winton Camel races were on the next day so we stayed another night. You couldn't miss them!
They could certainly move and the whole Camel Races is part of a circuit. The last ones were in Boulia, the week prior. It was a hoot of a day and lots of things were planned for the kids as well.
I think Rubes went in every kids race- 3 legged race, egg n spoon race, sack race and the running race. We had met Neve, Maisie and Arnika yesterday whilst having a drink in the North Gregory Hotel. It's a great Art Deco pub. We chatted with their parents, Nat and Jason whilst the kids played on the children's climbing frame in the beer garden. How good is that? We were going to see them again at the Races the next day and in the photo below Rubes 4th from right with her 3 new friends to the right of her. I think Rubes and Neve came last and when they did cross the line, the whole "grandstand" cheered. They did win another race though.
Here I am lining up for the 100m Dash for Cash. Michael has taken this right at the time when I am letting the guy next to me know that I will be using elbows if he tries to beat me. I didn't win unfortunately but I had lots of cheering from my new friends on the side of track.
Children's egg n spoon race
Nat and I were nearly victorious in winning the Female Egg throwing competition. It was such a fun day!

Rubes had spotted another green tree frog in the toilets. It was sitting up on the wall behind the cistern and against the "toilet brush". Rubes was adamant that she had to show her friends and told her that it was more hygienic to leave it where it was. I'm not sure who of them picked it up but it was time to wash their hands.
Michael Nd Jason were also pipped at the post with Egg Throwing Comp.
I think these kids had to be under about 8years old and were riding sheep. It's called Mutton Busters.
Rubes was a bit shocked as she watched some of the kids being thrown of the calves in the Poddy Races. She was right above the gates where they would hold and release the poddy calves into the ring.
This fellow was about to take part in the Tag the Camel. I was on the stopwatch, Olive was holding the microphone, and this guy in pink was about to place a piece of gaffer tape on th side of the wild camel, come back and touch the gate and then go back to the camel and remove the tape without being kicked or spat on by the camel. At one point I think the camel was kickboxing one guy. I never knew that camels has such a good side kick. The guy who can do all the tagging the quickest gets $500. A local guy did it in 8 seconds. Whilst all this is preparing and the MC (blue shirt) is cutting the gaffer tape, Olive is asking him "Are they Baby camels?"
Yes, motorbikes can come with training wheels!
We've had a great time in Winton and also enjoyed visiting the Waltzing Matilda Centre. Winton is where the song got its roots from. We also found out a lot about Banjo Patterson.
Off to Longreach tomorrow and will be camping with Nat and Jason at Ilfracombe, just out of Longreach.

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