Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Windjana and Tunnel Creek

We met up with Mum and Dad at Derby and it was a brief overnighter there to do some washing, restock and see some sights. It was great to see Mum and Dad and we headed out to Windjana Gorge to camp the next morning. It was Poppy's birthday so we had a lamb roast that night. We gave Poppy some licqorice and a fisho hat, that he just added to his other 6 that he brought along on the trip.
The school was very informative and it was good to visit. We weren't allowed to see any "live" schooling but we watched a few videos and the Principal gave us a chat.
Derby wharf.
I found it hard to walk along as one side of the wharf had no guard rail, let alone drive a road train on it.

The Prison Boab tree whey kept prisoners.

Windjana Gorge.
It was the only narrow part of the walk then it opened out to walk along the river and through the gorge. There were a few freshwater crocs but they couldn't be sure that there weren't any estuarine crocs so no swimming.
I think the girls walked about 6km, and on the way back there was some carrying of little people.

About 4m away.

The campsite was shady and had flushing toilets and hot showers, but that depended on the time of day.
We stayed for 3 nights and in that time we had 2 roasts, fresh camp oven scones and a great time with Grandma and Poppy.

Tunnel Creek is a fantastic adventure for us and the girls. It involves head torches, bravery and getting wet. There are 4 resident freshies that are not territorial. It was a great day and the girls were so good and loved the adventure. It is so dark in the tunnel that headlights are the only way you can see and the only way to see the crocs is to watch for the 2 red eyes. We did see some eyes twice and then watched them slip back under the water, only for us to wade though the next water crossing !! 

We got wifi at Imitji Store so we were able to post. As I write this the girls are running and screaming around the store toilet block and grounds with the local kids. It looks like a lot of fun. Imitji has great fresh pies!

1 comment:

  1. Richard Hilbert1 July 2014 at 02:18

    Very jealous looks like you are having a ball. We look forward to seeing your next post
